Thursday, April 29, 2010
Artist of the Week: Megan Wolford
Name Megan Wolford
Hometown Winston Salem, NC
Current Town Greensboro. NC
How would you describe your art form??
I usually write pieces that reflect my life but I've been trying to put myself in other dimensions to write outside of my comfort zone. My pieces usually entail love and politics, you know the usual, but I think my uniqueness sets it apart from other artists. I believe I'm able to convey emotions differently then they are normally perceived. For example presenting a piece on unrequited love in a cheerful demeanor, or creating a serious piece, with a playful undertone. If I could throw some words out there to describe my art, I'd say raw and unafraid. My art is who I am, it is my lifeline. I am my own art form because I am reflected in all of my pieces. I may not have sailed the Nile but I have traveled distances to love, or I may have never gotten let my children see me get high, but I may have exposed myself unwillingly...shit like that.
How'd you get your name??
Well, right now, I kind of on a hiatus from actually having a "stage name." My most solid name has been "Evidence" but I no longer go by that name. I chose it because I said it was "proof that I had been there." After a while I realized I was writing about things I had never experienced therefore the name was not doing my art justice. Many people call me De La Meg because it's my name on Facebook. I was trying to figure out a new name for FB and I really love the group De La Soul, so somehow De La Meg popped in my head and it stuck. I don't think De La Meg is an alter ego, she runs adjacent to Megan. I think it's catch, and the phrase "de la" in Spanish means "of the" therefore you have "of the Meg" meaning that this is from me to you. I love it.
How did you start??
I have been writing since I could form letters. Just the other day I was telling someone that when I was way younger like 5 or six, I would write short stories and plays. I used to write poems, not that often though. I'd say late middle school and throughout high school is where it started to pick up. When I went to NC A&T SU for orientation, Couture Productions had a booth set up and I saw where they had a sector for lyricists. I kept my little paper in my night stand all Summer anticipating the Fall so I could audition. At this point I had never performed. I was so surprised when I made it because my poetry was so elementary at that point. Glad that stage is over with!
Favorite place you've performed??
I really have not had the opportunity to travel and perform as much as I would like to. My usual performance spots are around the Triad. I have performed at various schools and clubs around Greensboro and Winston. My favorite performance, however, has been my Emmit Till poem I performed in the Miss Black and Gold Pageant. I wrote a piece as if I was his mother traveling down to Mississippi to find him and the poem was her reaction to his death. It was beautiful, I heard I got a standing ovation but I was crying by the end that I rushed off stage after! People still talk about that piece, I love when my art touches the soul.
What is your inspiration??
Life is my inspiration. There is so much more to life than what the human heart, mind, and eye sees. I try to take in as much as I possibly can and interpret it through my poetry. People are my inspiration, I can look at someone and instantly have five stanzas dancing in my head. Everything inspires me, I try and turn everything into art, everything needs a chance to live right? I appreciate this world so much and the way I give back is communicating my thoughts with it whatever the emotion. We have conversations through my poetry. I interpret everything that happens in the world, whether its natural disasters, scandals, deaths, celebrations, as its way of speaking to me, my poetry is my response.
What are your goals or what do you hope to accomplish with your art??
Short term, I just need to write more often. I've started to create and construct the poems in my head without writing them down and I believe that's slowing me down from having more poems. I want to write a poem a day, and become more patient with my art. I want to accept that a great piece will not come overnight. It has to be nurtured just as a child, because they are that sensitive (poems). Long Term, I just want to expand in terms on the mental capacity needed to create my pieces. I want to help people feel emotions they never knew they had, I want to be known. I want to make an album. Stuff like that, the usual.
What is your favorite piece you've done??
I've written so many poems, some have never made it to the stage. All of them are my favorites! "Taboo," speaking on underage sex slaves gets me every time! "Its okay to fuck at nine years old..."
Who is your favorite artist?? Underground and Professional?
This is such a hard question, there are SO many artists that I adore professionally and underground. I recently met Tasha Jones, I suppose I would classify her as professional. Her poems are so powerful, I get a visual from everyone of her poems, they are indescribable. They put so much fire and inspiration under me, she's phenomenal. The first time I heard her I wanted to cry because is was so beautiful, that's what I want to do, reach my audience like that. Here's a Link to her: . I am more familiar with underground artists from North Carolina and being that I was in an organization for poets I have too many to choose from. (LONG PAUSE) I'm really trying to choose a favorite, Bryan Fingers has an intelligence in his poems that I have yet to see in another individual, I can't even begin to describe that talent SBE has between them. There are just too many to name, I'm sorry.
Where can you be heard and/or seen??
I can be seen around Winston Salem and Greensboro. I try to attend as many open mics as possible and other programs where I can perform. Hopefully I can be seen at some upcoming festivals around the country!
What are your upcoming projects??
Hopefully this Summer I can travel to different poetry festivals, I recently moved into a new apartment, I felt like I was being suffocated and I needed somewhere that was my own little sanctuary. I live in a neighborhood I would describe as artsy so hopefully I can begin to draw inspiration from that as well, I just want to keep writing.
What is your favorite quote or quote you live by??
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." It can't be any simpler than that!!
Message to fans
Thank you for your support. My art is for you. Every word should conjure, so if you are feeling or thinking it, you should write it.
Do you have a twitter facebook or other way you can be contacted?? and my name is De La Meg on Facebook.
FACT: It is okay to fuck at nine years old
Barely weened off her mothers tit
Has not learned the Cambodian alphabet
Her belly half empty with bread and silt infested water
Yet she is a champion
Still losing baby teeth
Callouses on her feet
Yet she is for sale
She nods her head
Implying head
This fills the emptiness its how she is fed
Her frail anatomy plucked away
He loves me
He loves me not
She nods her head until peaks are reached
Words are said
He grabs her head
As he pulsates faster
She hears laughter
Funny thing is its okay to fuck at nine years old
Mind you I said fuck
I mean she rides
Her undeveloped backside
Stuck in his hands
His beads sweat
Combined with the dirt thriving on her body
Cultivates explicit lyrics
Unhealed scratches
This shit is drastic
Her minimal breast
Swell from pressure
He test her
Her eyes can’t see
She’s nine years old
This ain’t how shit supposed be
Blow to her nose
Strike a pose for the dick
Blow to her face
He possess this bitch
Not enough hydration to produce tears
Instead she
Pushes faster
Bites harder
Grabs tighter
She’s a fighter
But her opponent is stronger
Once again her battle is lost
Five dollars is all it costs
Yes people it’s okay to fuck at nine years old
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Man Who Killed Malcolm X Released
Afeni Shakur Arrested in NC
The Adventures of Bobby Ray
The Adventure of Bobby Ray is a good album. If you have not heard it you should give it a listen. my only objection is the order of the songs. The best 3 songs are Nothing On You, Don't Let Me Fall, and Airplanes and they're all at the beginning of the album
My personal favorite is Don't Let Me Fall... Posted below
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Artist of the Week: Takisha Wise aka QueenSoulSista
Name Takisha Wise aka QueenSoulSista
Hometown Baltimore, Md
Current Town Greensboro, NC
How would you describe your art form??
I am an abstract, urban, natural spirit that incorporates Earths life & the Universes light into fashion, art, paintings, poetry, tattoos & words as a motivational speaker, designer, artist, writer, and collector of body art! Follower of astrology and giver to humanity! Free soul, free goals!
How'd you get your name??
Born Takisha, given by my oldest sister, reborn QueenSoulSista by Mother Earth and my Planet Neptune! Living the path of a natural Queen, following the heart of a deep, loving Soul & the strength of a beautiful, righteous, rebellious Sista.
How did you start??
I had been an artist since youth. My mother was an artist to me so her path I followed! At age 6 I had been drawing and coloring life! At 8yrs old I started designing my first clothing line and writing stories, letters and poetry! From that time until now, I've lived for art and fashion, perfecting the art that is my life!
Favorite place you've performed??
Haven't had a place that I performed in yet, but in due time! Art studios and galleries are now my mission.
What is your inspiration??
Life! Seeing the criticism of people expressing their views on what I create! If my art (paintings, words, views) can bring a smile of light and understanding to someone, then my missions are accomplished! Achieving the explanation of peace!
What are your goals or what do you hope to accomplish with your art??
My Own acronym H.I.P.S = Helping Imaginations/Individuals Produce Success! Anything in life can be achieved, but sometimes our youth and peers need a push forward into the right path! Building inspiration for more people to be creatively artist can calm the troubles in the societies we live in!
What is your favorite piece you've done??
My Clothing/Art/Poetry line Art De' Vol... Painting- "His Propaganda"; Written piece-"To The Max!"
Who is your favorite artist??
Underground and Professional David Kessler(abstract painter), Sunni Patterson (poetess), My Star Brother Wesley Morris (poet/motivational speaker & leader).. My inspiration!
Where can you be heard and/or seen??
Anywhere the world wants me to be when they need me!
What are your upcoming projects??
Building my blog! Website! Perfecting my poetry! Painting daily! Soon guiding an local art gallery to hold and exhibit my work!
What is your favorite quote or quote you live by??
"2 paintbrushes make a million colors, 1 painting speaks a million words"-QSS. Me.
Message to fans
"When people ask me what I wanted to be as a child, I always said i wanted to be a doctor. Finally til this day, I understand what being a doctor means. It doesn't have to be a actually doctor, but someone that is a healer. A mentor and teacher that helps and heals minds and souls. I never even wanted to go to medical school or even get a license of that sort, but a doctor to me simply means "healing the world".
" I am a doctor of all sorts. Without touching hands, my hands touch hearts. Through my Art!"
Do you have a twitter facebook or other way you can be contacted??
Yep. 3366245677. And the blogspot
If I Have Referred You To Your Write, Take The Reference Chart And Be Inferred. Not A Finish To Intelligence So We Gently Lay Down The Interference. Middle Blockade From Illiteracy And Hypocrisy, It Is Hypocritical That We Be The Leaders At Large. Charge Taken To Uphold The World. Simple Conversations Run Marathons Thru My Mind. Meanings Of Complexity Force Dictionary Terms In My Brain. A New Word Falls In Each Drop Of Rain. Unable To Count The Inevitable, Like The Worlds Last Slot Machine. Jackpot For Me. A FreeFall Of Billionaire Baccalaureate Brains.... I Coin The Term. Smiles For Me. But Not All For Me. Whats The Level Of Education Left? Where Were The Last Knowledgeable Footprints Stepped? Did The Leader Denounce The Thrown To Follower In The Game? Someone Stated Yesterday While Conversing With Me, "I CanT Help It, I Am A Product Of My Environment."- Anonymous. I Shook My Head. Concluded Before Walkin Away In Disbelief And Dissatisfaction. "I Will Never Be A Product Of My Environment Because Society Didnt Make Me. My Surroundings Didnt Take Me. These Homicides Dont Shake Me. My Culture And My Heritage, I Partake In Thee. I Am A Product Of My Imagination. My Creative Innovation. My Successful Motivation. I Am Me, Not What The World Claims Me To Be. One Day I'll Teach You H.I.P.S. To Gain That Strength. You're 20 Years Old But Fell Victim To The Stint. Be Lifted. Be Proud. Be Gifted. Scream Loud." -TJW. H.I.P.S... Helping Imaginations Produce Success.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Jordan High School All American Game
Not to be lost on the first day of the NBA playoffs is the Jordan High School All American game. Featuring the best players in the country, the game will be played at 8 PM at Madison Square Garden. The rosters include Harrison Barnes (Ames, IA/North Carolina), Jared Sullinger (Columbus, OH/Ohio State), Brandon Knight (Coral Springs, FL/Kentucky), Kyrie Irving (West Orange, NJ/Duke), Tobias Harris (Dix Hills, NY/Tennessee), Will Barton (Baltimore, MD/Memphis), Josh Selby (Baltimore, MD/Undecided), C.J. Leslie (Holly Springs, NC/Undecided), Perry Jones (Duncanville, TX/Baylor) and Tristan Thompson (Brampton, ONT/Texas), Joshua Smith (Kentwood, WA/UCLA), DeShaun Thomas (Fort Wayne, IN/Ohio State), Terrence Jones (Portland, OR/Undecided), Dion Waiters (Philadelphia, PA/Syracuse), Reggie Bullock (Kinston, NC/North Carolina), Cory Joseph (Toronto, ONT/Undecided), Kendall Marshall (Dumfries, VA/North Carolina), Doron Lamb (Laurelton, NY/Undecided), Roscoe Smith (Baltimore, MD/Connecticut) and Jelan Kendrick (Marietta, GA/Memphis).
Uncommitted players Doron Lamb and Josh Selby are scheduled to announce their college decisions at halftime.
NBA Playoffs Start Today
The NBA playoffs start today with the first game being Bulls vs Cavaliers at 3 PM, followed by the Bucks vs Hawks at 5:30, Heat vs Celtics at 8, ending with Jazz vs Nuggets at 10 being the last game of the day. Tomorrow the games begin with the Thunder vs Lakers at 3, Bobcats vs Magic at 5:30, Spurs vs Mavericks at 8, and Blazers vs Suns at 10
Friday, April 16, 2010
Death At A Funeral
Poem: A Song For Momma
momma was a user
found sanity in between that high she felt and getting over on someone else
don't know if she was more addicted to drugs or men
skipping AA meetings or aborting children
she kinda just went with the flow
so when the last bottle was emptied it was time for her to go
no drug of choice
just a good time girl looking for the next party
skipping town to town dodging tabs and credit card frauds
she wasn't raised like this
daughter of a preacher
guess God's words couldn't reach her or the pressure was to much
when life got to tough she split
stuffed clothes in a bag and threw it over her back
gave the house one last look back
and then never came back
she was only 16
sex and drugs was all she'd learn about living
long lost love for self
searched for it from a buzz or in someone else
wish she had looked in the mirror and seen past her problems
saw that its never to late to solve them until you give up
saw what everybody else could
a red bone song bird name robin
black hair down her back
two dimpled cheeks
long legs made for lusting
men loved her
and she loved the stage
rock side to side as the piano played
contralto voice let out some Billie Holiday
tight red dress showing just enough cleavage with a split to her thigh
she was queen in those gentleman's eyes
she couldn't see it
rock star lifestyle wasted her talent
so innocent in the children's choir she had discovered
guess she forgot to let her own light shine
so far from that place now
maybe having a child would of slowed momma down
last thing she needed, more baggage
so she just returned to an old habit
momma didn't know sometimes you need a heavy load
to accept that you're grown
now laying there is that same 16 year old
by herself
with an invisible tombstone that reads
momma was an abuser
lover not a fighter
i just wish she'd loved either one of us enough
to give us a fighting chance
but momma i still love you
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Ok So Yea...Kentucky is reloading
John Caliperi Has Struck Again: Signs Brandon Knight
New Season of The Game?!?
As reported by BV Buzz BET has made a deal with Paromount to make new episodes of "The Game." BET is now in the process of getting the actors under contract. The only conflict is with the charecter of Jason Pitts, who is now joining the cast of "Burn Notice." It is believed that he will appear as a recuring charecter. I think that will be easy to do after him and Kelly getting a divorce it can play out like he retired and moved away. Shooting is scheduled for May in Atlanta, GA.
Big Boi's new single Shutterbug
Young Money
I was actuallyy surprised at how much I enjoyed Young Money's first album "We Are Young Money". My favorite tracks are "Wife Beater" and "She's Gone". While I think being in young money will be really good for Nikki Minaj's career, I actually think it will hold Drake from reaching his potential as an artist. In my opinioun a lot of Young Money trys to sound like Lil Wayne and that gets old. In addition Drake should have had an album out a long time ago. Much of the buzz from "So Far Gone" is so far gone. Last I heard his debut album "Thank Me Later" is scheduled to be released May 25
Ben Roethlisberger- Is he getting off easy
I don't want to make this a race issue but I can't help but feel if Ben was an African American athlete this would be a much bigger story and he would already be suspended by the commissioner of the NFL. Who has been very strict since he has become the commissioner. Early this week Ben Roethlisberger's former teammate Santonio Holmes was suspended for 4 games and if Ben is not suspended after repeated bad decisions I can't help but think race is a factor. The media killed Kobe Bryant for his alleged rape but Ben has not been scrutinized as much for his multiple rape allegations. You be the judge
Brandon Marshall Traded
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Nas Ordered to Pay More Child and Spousal Support
Nas has been ordered to pay his ex-wife Kelis more than an estimated $299,000. The rapper has been ordered to instantaneously pay an estimated $47,249.42 in back child support and $40,454 in back spousal support, as well as the $10,000 a month in spousal support for not paying the $299,015.50 he “owes” her.
"Dont do it, reconsider, read...."
Can UK continue to reload or will they have to rebuild?
With the possible departure of 5 underclassmen from the University of Kentucky basketball team and 3 seniors will Kentucky be able to continue to be successful or will Coach Calipari have to change his recruiting methods. In the twisted world of recruiting what happens when Coach Calipari doesn't bring in a top rated point guard like he did with Derek Rose, Tyreke Evans, and John Wall. In my opinion he'll have to find some median of players looking to jump to the NBA quickly and guys that will stay in college.
New Kanye Album
Pharrell - Despicable Me
I usually don't like Pharrell as a rapper or singer but this song goes hard to me
Artist of The Week: Lyrically Blessed
Art Form: Poetry
How did you get your name??
I wish there was some profound story about how God came to me in a dream but, (I’m going to regret this) I was talking to a close close friend of mine and she ask what did LB stand for. I replied “Lover boy”, she laughed. I being quick on my feet replied “naw, its really Lyrically Blessed” and it stuck…
How'd you start??
It was a girl in middle school who I wanted to impress so I wrote her a poem. She didn’t believe me so I wrote something for her on the spot. After that I let a few people read my stuff and that actually liked it so I stuck with it.
What is your favorite place you've performed??
I would have to pick two, one being when me and the group that I am blessed to be a part of S.B.E. (Separate but Equal) won N.C. State’s talent show. Before then I knew we appealed to each other and our friends but that moment showed us that other people felt our work and respected what God gave us to do on this Earth. The other would have to be when I won my first slam at Guilford College. To me when I slam it’s like I can feel the crowds minds thinking and that’s what it’s about to me. I want to expand your thought process and the fact that I got the monkey of always losing off my back helped too.
What is your inspiration??
To be different and to show people a different side of a situation. A lot of times we get caught up in this “thing called life” that we ignore others and their feelings. Like a homeless man begging for change, over time he just becomes a situation that you are use to, not a person. You see the situation of him asking you for money but not that he is a less fortunate individual. I feel like if I can get you to see him as a person and think about what he has been through then maybe we as a people can start to care more.
What do you hope to accomplish with your art??
On a personal level , me being selfish, I want the group S.B.E. (Separate but Equal) to be a top slam twenty five team in the nation and myself a top twelve individual slam poet. Other then that I just want God to take me as low as he wants me to go, I’m going to put him first and hope for second or third.
What is your favorite piece you've done??
Wow, to be honest I have no idea. My recent work that I caught myself performing is a poem called “ugly girl” were I proceed to talk about the beauty of a woman’s internal features and how sex shouldn’t be the fore front of a relationship. I feel like the media is selling us a false version of ourselves. You’re not pretty if you don’t look like this or use this make up or wear these clothes. This is how a man should treat you, this is how a woman should act, it’s all ambiguous. God made us different to make a difference but we are all fighting so much to be alike.
Who is your favorite artist??
It would have to be my friends. Not just my fellow poets, singers, dancers, but everyone. Everything you do in life is art. We are the art of living, existing and all the people that surround me push me so much to be better. To write this next piece strong, faster, perform it better. I found me in all of them and I love them for putting up with me! IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR THE LORD ON MY SIDE!!!!! LOL
Where can you be heard or seen??
Earf! (Earth) But locally here in NC, mostly Greensboro, Raleigh, Durham, and where ever the people invite me or where God leads me.
What is your favorite quote??
The definition of insanity is doing the same over and over again expecting new results - Mom from Webster
What are your upcoming projects??
I actually have three major upcoming events in Greensboro, NC. The first is at Guilford College on the April 15, 2010. I will be competing for $500 against the winner of their rap contest and the winner of the step team contest. It’s a free event and it will be crazy! Also on the 19th of April I will be performing at a Black leaders Conference here in downtown Greensboro. I’ll be tweeting the details, follow me @LyricallyBlssed lol, but the last of the three shows will be on the 30th of April. Now this show is me and fifteen of the nations tops poets competing for $1000. If you want to see some spoken word in is real form it will be going down!! It will be held in the Greensboro convention Center, in Greensboro NC and its free!
Message to fans
I thank God for all (3 and my mom) of you guys. Thanks for sticking with us, S.B.E., we got big things coming for you in the future! A book for both ChildsPlay, Roy Haliburton, and Dalear, Dwayne Atkins, and songs, plays, miming, construction the works for Whatsoever, Malcolm Maye. Love you guys, you inspire us!
Here is a piece of work done by Lyrically Blessed
friend-enemy (from facebook)
She said let's be friends
and no kiss she can give can mend
this broken hearts so the pieces said peaces to each other
and i know love is vibrantly blind but why does friendship have the dullest color
i red her blues so i colored her royalty
and true feelings dye when its hued in poetry
so i am poe when edger, and Edgar when i try
so i lend ravens so my feelings can fly, never more
its almost pretty how its suppose to be quite before the storm
and who needs legacy when ya son comes every morn
but what if it skips from 5:59 the midnight
so i'm in hell'n seeing through kellers sight
and its hard for angels to see the light when the son resides on cross roads
even God sent his comforter because hope in the future isn't enough to hold
can't grip life's beauty when fingers won't relate
so i hold times hands but i'm feeling fifteen minutes past late
past due so morning isn't an option
didn't abort my feelings so my hearts up for adoption
but who wants to raise someone else
because dna doesn't know anonymous so we have welts
we just band aids
in the wrong place
so we lose the feeling
right ain't do right by me because she left
miss right....
Allen Iverson 30 for 30
Monday, April 12, 2010
Poem: Single Til I Fall Asleep
She has mocha chocolate brown complexion
Flawless skin and her voice harmonizes with wind like the lady that sung blues
She's addictive
She walks sweetly like she's stepping on clouds
Smells like a spring day after a soft rain
Her head and my shoulder go together like puzzle pieces
Never could disconnect what we share
Some people sleep on our love but I know she'll always be there
We walk slowly holding hands on the beach
I enjoy her company even if we do not speak
Looking deep into her eyes my interest peaks
Knowing our future is as endless as the sea
I sleep...
Of her I dream...
I think...
Only of her it seems
Wondering if loving this hard is even healthy
Nothing she could not cure
Never felt like this before
Sure I never will again
I close my eyes to pretend...
"Day dream,
I dream of you beneath the flowers,
For a couple of hours,
What a beautiful day"
Any sunshine sky would pale in comparison
She'd make a simile bashful
Make an angel envious
She makes me smile
Not with humor or quick wit
More like a her name on my caller ID type smile
I just love to know she's thinking of me
Keeping our justice scale balanced
Kissing in public like it's just us no one around us
Yea, we're so high school
But weren't teenage love affairs more comfortable
I wake beside her and kiss her lips
Her morning breath greets me letting me know we have another day together
So no matter what obstacles I face she'll be there to make it better
She motivates me
She moves me
She loves me
She is the girl of my dreams
Single til I fall asleep
B.o.B -Nothing On You Baby remix ft Big Boi
Steelers are big time tripping!?!
Santonio Holmes for a 5th round draft pick. How quick we forget he made the winning catch in the Super Bowl and he was a 1st round pick five years ago. SMH Steelers are pimping backwards.
Poetry Book
I will be releasing a poetry book, hopefully in the fall (October 24), which is right now titled "Poems from the young black heart" Here is a poem that will be included.
Ms University
She first had to love herself before she could love someone else
Insecurities interrupt relationships
So why start something she knew she'd have to quit
She shied away
Hid behind her 3.75 GPA
Love the congratulations she got
But when all the back patters would leave
She'd become her biggest enemy
Searching for COMFORT at the bottom of a bottle
Self-esteem heading further SOUTHERN
But that's the only way she could go to sleep
Waking in the AM at ease
Heading to campus she's involved in every activity
So dedicated to her university, they'd say
But truth be told she just ain't want to be alone
Have to talk to her conscience
Answer that question she didn't want to hear
Why am I here?
No true false, multiple choice, or essay question dance around answer would suffice
So terrified of being alone she didn't even turn off the lights at night
Just stares at a blank ceiling
She can relate to that to feeling
So she let's different men in
Doesn't talk much just pretends
Replays this situation over and over again
Wish she thought as highly of herself as others did
Life was so much easier as a kid
Summer break is coming
Her least favorite time of year
Most students couldn't wait to leave
She'd rather stay right there
Career student
Studying to be a professor so she'll never have to leave this campus life behind
It's crazy how comfort can limit one's mind
Wish she felt so relaxed in her own skin
Maybe one day she'll be able to close her eyes and dream again
Most of all she just wants a real friend
But she first has to love herself
Before she can love someone else
Drake -Over (Music Video)
this song by drake left much to be desired in my opinion. with a good concept and i semi catchy chorus i thought the yrics could of been a lot better. here is a look at the video.
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