Name Takisha Wise aka QueenSoulSista
Hometown Baltimore, Md
Current Town Greensboro, NC
How would you describe your art form??
I am an abstract, urban, natural spirit that incorporates Earths life & the Universes light into fashion, art, paintings, poetry, tattoos & words as a motivational speaker, designer, artist, writer, and collector of body art! Follower of astrology and giver to humanity! Free soul, free goals!
How'd you get your name??
Born Takisha, given by my oldest sister, reborn QueenSoulSista by Mother Earth and my Planet Neptune! Living the path of a natural Queen, following the heart of a deep, loving Soul & the strength of a beautiful, righteous, rebellious Sista.
How did you start??
I had been an artist since youth. My mother was an artist to me so her path I followed! At age 6 I had been drawing and coloring life! At 8yrs old I started designing my first clothing line and writing stories, letters and poetry! From that time until now, I've lived for art and fashion, perfecting the art that is my life!
Favorite place you've performed??
Haven't had a place that I performed in yet, but in due time! Art studios and galleries are now my mission.
What is your inspiration??
Life! Seeing the criticism of people expressing their views on what I create! If my art (paintings, words, views) can bring a smile of light and understanding to someone, then my missions are accomplished! Achieving the explanation of peace!
What are your goals or what do you hope to accomplish with your art??
My Own acronym H.I.P.S = Helping Imaginations/Individuals Produce Success! Anything in life can be achieved, but sometimes our youth and peers need a push forward into the right path! Building inspiration for more people to be creatively artist can calm the troubles in the societies we live in!
What is your favorite piece you've done??
My Clothing/Art/Poetry line Art De' Vol... Painting- "His Propaganda"; Written piece-"To The Max!"
Who is your favorite artist??
Underground and Professional David Kessler(abstract painter), Sunni Patterson (poetess), My Star Brother Wesley Morris (poet/motivational speaker & leader).. My inspiration!
Where can you be heard and/or seen??
Anywhere the world wants me to be when they need me! http:queensoulsistaadv.blogspot.com
What are your upcoming projects??
Building my blog! Website! Perfecting my poetry! Painting daily! Soon guiding an local art gallery to hold and exhibit my work!
What is your favorite quote or quote you live by??
"2 paintbrushes make a million colors, 1 painting speaks a million words"-QSS. Me.
Message to fans
"When people ask me what I wanted to be as a child, I always said i wanted to be a doctor. Finally til this day, I understand what being a doctor means. It doesn't have to be a actually doctor, but someone that is a healer. A mentor and teacher that helps and heals minds and souls. I never even wanted to go to medical school or even get a license of that sort, but a doctor to me simply means "healing the world".
" I am a doctor of all sorts. Without touching hands, my hands touch hearts. Through my Art!"
Do you have a twitter facebook or other way you can be contacted??
Yep. www.twitter.com/tinkabutt24. http://m.facebook.com/profile.php?r7742ae8a&refid=7. Artdevol@aol.com 3366245677. And the blogspot
If I Have Referred You To Your Write, Take The Reference Chart And Be Inferred. Not A Finish To Intelligence So We Gently Lay Down The Interference. Middle Blockade From Illiteracy And Hypocrisy, It Is Hypocritical That We Be The Leaders At Large. Charge Taken To Uphold The World. Simple Conversations Run Marathons Thru My Mind. Meanings Of Complexity Force Dictionary Terms In My Brain. A New Word Falls In Each Drop Of Rain. Unable To Count The Inevitable, Like The Worlds Last Slot Machine. Jackpot For Me. A FreeFall Of Billionaire Baccalaureate Brains.... I Coin The Term. Smiles For Me. But Not All For Me. Whats The Level Of Education Left? Where Were The Last Knowledgeable Footprints Stepped? Did The Leader Denounce The Thrown To Follower In The Game? Someone Stated Yesterday While Conversing With Me, "I CanT Help It, I Am A Product Of My Environment."- Anonymous. I Shook My Head. Concluded Before Walkin Away In Disbelief And Dissatisfaction. "I Will Never Be A Product Of My Environment Because Society Didnt Make Me. My Surroundings Didnt Take Me. These Homicides Dont Shake Me. My Culture And My Heritage, I Partake In Thee. I Am A Product Of My Imagination. My Creative Innovation. My Successful Motivation. I Am Me, Not What The World Claims Me To Be. One Day I'll Teach You H.I.P.S. To Gain That Strength. You're 20 Years Old But Fell Victim To The Stint. Be Lifted. Be Proud. Be Gifted. Scream Loud." -TJW. H.I.P.S... Helping Imaginations Produce Success.
looking forward to seeing more from the queen!
ReplyDeleteIm loving this peace! You know where to find me! http://queensoulsistaadv.blogspot.com