Art Form: Poetry
How did you get your name??
I wish there was some profound story about how God came to me in a dream but, (I’m going to regret this) I was talking to a close close friend of mine and she ask what did LB stand for. I replied “Lover boy”, she laughed. I being quick on my feet replied “naw, its really Lyrically Blessed” and it stuck…
How'd you start??
It was a girl in middle school who I wanted to impress so I wrote her a poem. She didn’t believe me so I wrote something for her on the spot. After that I let a few people read my stuff and that actually liked it so I stuck with it.
What is your favorite place you've performed??
I would have to pick two, one being when me and the group that I am blessed to be a part of S.B.E. (Separate but Equal) won N.C. State’s talent show. Before then I knew we appealed to each other and our friends but that moment showed us that other people felt our work and respected what God gave us to do on this Earth. The other would have to be when I won my first slam at Guilford College. To me when I slam it’s like I can feel the crowds minds thinking and that’s what it’s about to me. I want to expand your thought process and the fact that I got the monkey of always losing off my back helped too.
What is your inspiration??
To be different and to show people a different side of a situation. A lot of times we get caught up in this “thing called life” that we ignore others and their feelings. Like a homeless man begging for change, over time he just becomes a situation that you are use to, not a person. You see the situation of him asking you for money but not that he is a less fortunate individual. I feel like if I can get you to see him as a person and think about what he has been through then maybe we as a people can start to care more.
What do you hope to accomplish with your art??
On a personal level , me being selfish, I want the group S.B.E. (Separate but Equal) to be a top slam twenty five team in the nation and myself a top twelve individual slam poet. Other then that I just want God to take me as low as he wants me to go, I’m going to put him first and hope for second or third.
What is your favorite piece you've done??
Wow, to be honest I have no idea. My recent work that I caught myself performing is a poem called “ugly girl” were I proceed to talk about the beauty of a woman’s internal features and how sex shouldn’t be the fore front of a relationship. I feel like the media is selling us a false version of ourselves. You’re not pretty if you don’t look like this or use this make up or wear these clothes. This is how a man should treat you, this is how a woman should act, it’s all ambiguous. God made us different to make a difference but we are all fighting so much to be alike.
Who is your favorite artist??
It would have to be my friends. Not just my fellow poets, singers, dancers, but everyone. Everything you do in life is art. We are the art of living, existing and all the people that surround me push me so much to be better. To write this next piece strong, faster, perform it better. I found me in all of them and I love them for putting up with me! IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR THE LORD ON MY SIDE!!!!! LOL
Where can you be heard or seen??
Earf! (Earth) But locally here in NC, mostly Greensboro, Raleigh, Durham, and where ever the people invite me or where God leads me.
What is your favorite quote??
The definition of insanity is doing the same over and over again expecting new results - Mom from Webster
What are your upcoming projects??
I actually have three major upcoming events in Greensboro, NC. The first is at Guilford College on the April 15, 2010. I will be competing for $500 against the winner of their rap contest and the winner of the step team contest. It’s a free event and it will be crazy! Also on the 19th of April I will be performing at a Black leaders Conference here in downtown Greensboro. I’ll be tweeting the details, follow me @LyricallyBlssed lol, but the last of the three shows will be on the 30th of April. Now this show is me and fifteen of the nations tops poets competing for $1000. If you want to see some spoken word in is real form it will be going down!! It will be held in the Greensboro convention Center, in Greensboro NC and its free!
Message to fans
I thank God for all (3 and my mom) of you guys. Thanks for sticking with us, S.B.E., we got big things coming for you in the future! A book for both ChildsPlay, Roy Haliburton, and Dalear, Dwayne Atkins, and songs, plays, miming, construction the works for Whatsoever, Malcolm Maye. Love you guys, you inspire us!
Here is a piece of work done by Lyrically Blessed
friend-enemy (from facebook)
She said let's be friends
and no kiss she can give can mend
this broken hearts so the pieces said peaces to each other
and i know love is vibrantly blind but why does friendship have the dullest color
i red her blues so i colored her royalty
and true feelings dye when its hued in poetry
so i am poe when edger, and Edgar when i try
so i lend ravens so my feelings can fly, never more
its almost pretty how its suppose to be quite before the storm
and who needs legacy when ya son comes every morn
but what if it skips from 5:59 the midnight
so i'm in hell'n seeing through kellers sight
and its hard for angels to see the light when the son resides on cross roads
even God sent his comforter because hope in the future isn't enough to hold
can't grip life's beauty when fingers won't relate
so i hold times hands but i'm feeling fifteen minutes past late
past due so morning isn't an option
didn't abort my feelings so my hearts up for adoption
but who wants to raise someone else
because dna doesn't know anonymous so we have welts
we just band aids
in the wrong place
so we lose the feeling
right ain't do right by me because she left
miss right....
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